How to include uEnv.txt in Yocto image
From KoanSoftware Wiki
How to include uEnv.txt in Yocto image
If you need to include a custom u-boot environment configuration file for a BeagleBone board, follow these instructions.
Create a new recipe in your custom layer
recipes-bsp/ └── u-boot ├── files │ └── uEnv.txt └── u-boot-ti-staging_%.bbappend
Edit the file u-boot-ti-staging_%.bbappend
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" SRC_URI_append_beaglebone = " file://uEnv.txt" UBOOT_ENV_beaglebone = "uEnv"
Add your uEnv.txt file into the files directory.
bitbake virtual/bootloader
Now you will have a uEnv.txt in the image directory
Finally add this in local.conf (do not use +=)
IMAGE_BOOT_FILES_append_beaglebone = " uEnv.txt"
And rebuild the image to get a fresh wic containing the uEnv.txt file
bitbake core-image-minimal -C rootfs